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本站為台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會 (English introduction)官方網站;本會結合電磁輻射受害者、自救會,以及關心電磁輻射公害之各界人士、非政府組織,合力推展相關防治及立法工作,盼以建立安全的電磁輻射環境。............................... 【信用卡捐款】............... 電磁輻射國際學術期刊發表論述】............................... Introduction: The strenuous long way-a way to resist electromagnetic radiation hazard

» 【紀錄短片暨電磁輻射檢測服務】

「我家不要電磁輻射」紀錄短片 .................................. 【電磁輻射檢測服務】 服務目地: 為協助民眾了解家戶住宅電磁輻射存在情形,以及減少電磁輻射暴露危險,本會特進行家戶電磁輻射檢測服務。 使用儀器: TES-1393(0-300HZ 檢測極低頻)、TES-92 (50MHZ-3.5GHZ檢測射頻)。 服務內容: 檢測家戶電磁輻射情形,包括客廳臥室背景值及電器電信設備之電磁輻射,詳如檢測手冊 .....................................防射頻電磁波商品--請洽【綠農的家】

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Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association, TEPCA

Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association, TEPCA

» Founding History

Since 2005, Taiwan Environmental Protection Union and its local branches have built a network assisting individual cases afflicted by electromagnetic radiation hazard. Prof. Chen Jiau-Hua, former president of TEPU and coordinator of the victim’s unit of electromagnetic radiation hazard, recognizing the necessity of establishing a functional organization to further promote electromagnetic radiation hazard protection which would lead to legislate standard practice and advocate environmental alertness, decided to found “Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association.”

The Association is a legalized non-profit organization. Its purpose is to connect the victims of electromagnetic radiation hazard, self-relief organizations, non-governmental organizations, individuals and groups aware of the risk, to work together towards electromagnetic radiation hazard protection and relevant legislation. Through education, research, caring for victims, protection and control of public hazard, its goal is to establish an electromagnetic radiation-safe environment and to secure every individual’s right to living a healthy life.

» Mission Statements

1、Establish actions and items of electromagnetic radiation hazard protection.

2、Protect and maintain an electromagnetic radiation-safe environment; Promote a healthy society and quality of life.

3、Facilitate education in electromagnetic radiation hazard and research in public hazard.

4、Provide care and assistance to victims of electromagnetic radiation hazard.

5、Work closely with legislation to promote electromagnetic radiation hazard protection and control.

6、Encourage interactions between international research on electromagnetic radiation safety and collaborations of international organizations on its protection and control.

» Towards Legislation

It is standard practice amongst countries to protect and control electromagnetic radiation hazard according to the precautionary principle. However, Taiwan not only tolerates inappropriately regulated construction of sub terrain high-voltage wiring by Taiwan Power Company, it also fails in resolving the problems of electromagnetic radiation hazard and continues to misuse the safety standard.

According to study, the risk of health from electromagnetic radiation hazard is evident. We strive to protect our residents from any electromagnetic radiation hazard. We must be pro-active in establishing stricter practice to prevent and control any form of electromagnetic radiation hazard that would harm our health and the health of the environment.

ADDRESS:No.17, Alley 75, Lane 37, Sec. 3, Dongmen Rd., East District, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

TEL:06-2604783 02-23658916(Taipei office)



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