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本站為台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會 (English introduction)官方網站;本會結合電磁輻射受害者、自救會,以及關心電磁輻射公害之各界人士、非政府組織,合力推展相關防治及立法工作,盼以建立安全的電磁輻射環境。............................... 【信用卡捐款】............... 電磁輻射國際學術期刊發表論述】............................... Introduction: The strenuous long way-a way to resist electromagnetic radiation hazard

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Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi
Environment Ministry's verdict on 定論the health risks from wireless technology puts the British government to shame.
By Geoffrey Lean
Published: 09 September 2007
People should avoid using Wi-Fi wherever possible because of the risks it may pose to health, the German government has said. "德國官方警告民眾少用無線上網因可能對健康有害

Its surprise ruling – the most damning毀滅的 made by any government on the fast-growing technology – will shake the industry and British ministers, and vindicates證明 the questions that The Independent on Sunday has been raising over the past four months.

And Germany's official radiation protection body also advises its citizens to use landlines instead of mobile phones, and warns of "electrosmog" from a wide range of other everyday products, from baby monitors to electric blankets.

The German government's ruling – which contrasts sharply with the unquestioning promotion of the technology by British officials – was made in response to a series of questions by Green members of the Bundestag, Germany's parliament.

The Environment Ministry recommended that people should keep their exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi "as low as possible"

by choosing "conventional wired connections"德國官方警告民眾少用無線上網儘量使用傳統有線上網. It added that it is "actively informing people about possibilities for reducing personal exposure".
Its actions will provide vital support for Sir William Stewart, Britain's official health protection watchdog, who has produced two reports calling for caution in using mobile phones and who has also called for a review of the use of Wi-Fi in schools. His warnings have so far been ignored by ministers and even played down by the Health Protection Agency, which he chairs.

By contrast the agency's German equivalent – the Federal Office for Radiation Protection – is leading the calls for caution.

Florian Emrich, for the office, says Wi-Fi should be avoided "because people receive exposures from many sources and because it is a new technology and all the research into its health effects has not yet been carried out".

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